There are many good songs to learn guitar in all genres. It really depends on what music you like and enjoy learning. Some songs are more technically demanding than certain records.
If you choose to learn a song blues-oriented, it may be harder to obtain than three chords of a punk song. However, do not be put off by this, if you master the blues song, not only did you learn this song, you have mastered all the techniques in this piece that you can use forever to learn a song or write your own!
It's always a good idea to learn some classical guitar songs, so when you're at a party or a gathering and someone said oh can you play this track or that one, you can say yes I can play it or say I have not heard that one, but do you know this other jam. And I can guarantee if you find these people forgetting their original question they'll watch you play for the rest of the evening, without saying another word.
Say you do not know what songs are classics, you should then ask your friends and family or, better yet, look on the internet. There are thousands and thousands of good songs to learn guitar available on the web. Look for them on YouTube or Google, you cannot go wrong online.
I always think it's better to push yourself to learning techniques and mastery of soul songs, so it's less difficult for you to make the most of your abilities. Good songs will be playable once you've understood a few great techniques. Just do not be afraid of a song if it seems too difficult to learn, if you take the time to learn the reward finally playing it right the first time it will be much more satisfactory.
Information just like this will help you go beyond the guitar basics with a revolutionary guitar method you'll love, and also blues guitar tabs
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