Home » Guitar Online, lesson » Learn How to Play the Guitar Fast Online
After learning the basics of playing guitar, the next thing we want to learn is how to play the guitar fast. As a beginner you're bound to feel like you are trying to move four concrete poles for fingers around the fret board but there are a few easy things you can do to help you stretch out the muscles and tendons so you can play like a god.
Try this first one without using your guitar and can do anywhere you like. Stick your left arm out to the front of you and using the palm facing out point your fingers towards the sky. Now with your other hand, slowly pull back your fingers in towards yourself and you will be able to feel the stretch on the top of your wrist and the arm also.
Cracking your knuckles, believe it or not can make your fingers feel a bit looser but remember not to overextend your fingers or you will damage the ligaments eventually. There are lots of articles to be found online that will put your mind at rest regarding this technique if you want to check.
Now it's time, to get hold of the guitar and begin to utilize some more techniques. Starting from the 7th fret of the bottom E string with your first finger, play a four fret, four finger pattern and this can be done on all the strings and really from any fret you would like to begin on. Practice this until you can keep all four of your fingers on the frets as you move through the pattern.
For the final technique, go back to the 7th fret and you can do a pattern using your first, second and fourth fingers, skipping frets. It will look like -7-9-11 and again keep doing that until you can keep all of your fingers firmly on the frets. Remember, as with the last technique you can work your way around the fret all the way to the end of the neck.
Extra patters to try could be with the first and third finger creating a -7-10- movement and with the first and fourth finger creating a -7-11- pattern. With all of these movements you can use them on any strings you like and if you use these for just a few minutes as a warm up before any practice then this will increase your speed and have your moving quicker around the fret board in no time.
Looking at information just like this Learn How To Play Guitar will help to to learn and master the guitar at a pace suited to you and other tips like this one Play the guitar fast will increase you speed and value for learning at home
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