Home » Guitar Scales, lesson » Learning Guitar Scales Fast
If you are looking to get good at playing guitar, you're going to have to spend some time studying scales. There are many different types of scales and some have wider finger spreads and that causes problems for beginners. My advice for beginners is to start by learning the pentatonic scale. One of the easiest scales to learn is the pentatonic scale. The pentatonic scale has two notes per string and has five patterns. This make this scale the easiest to learn for beginners.
If you want to learn guitar scales faster, I have some advice. Practice your scales every chance you get and become a student of guitar scales. You must be an excellent student. If you want to succeed at anything you must be teachable. Guitar scales are not something you learn overnight. Learning the scale is only the beginning, after that you must learn to use it to make music. I have played guitar most of my life and I have spent hours working on a single scale using different scale patterns.
Another idea you want to remember when playing guitar scales is to learn to count time and learn to use a metronome. This is one concept where if you just want to be n average guitarist, do not worry about this rule. Seriously I would not be able to play any of the licks I play, if it were not for the many hours I spent studying scales and scale patterns with the metronome.
Then you want to find other people who play the guitar and spend time with them. I have learned a lot of licks from just going to someone's house and having a jam session. When you start doing this you learn by bouncing guitar riffs off one another. I learn licks all the time from jamming with people and seeing what they can do with pentatonic scale and the blues scale.
The 2 main places I look to find new people to jam with is # 1: I'll drag the guitar shop and strike up friendly conversations with the owner and customers. You will meet new friends and some will be on your level and some will be above your level. Go see the top players as much as possible. And # 2: I'll hang out in local bars where local bands play every weekend. This is the second best way, because sometimes these guys will be an addict or you will end up with an ego maniac. So, I like the music store better.
One more thing you want to keep in mind when learning guitar scales is to find some influences. It could be a local talent or a local teacher. It could also be a famous guitarist for example, I studied many different guitar players, but if I had to pick 2 it would be Slash from Guns N 'Roses and Zakk Wylde of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Label Society.
I recently ran across a guitar lesson online that will get you playing guitar in a very short time frame. Over the last 22 years of playing guitar, this is the first course that has as much useful information such as learning the metronome than most other courses, I've tried. If you are serious about learning the guitar and learning scales start with this course. Just go to http://www.learn-guitar-at-home.com and get started today.
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