In the present article we'll have a detailed look at why it is so hard to develop guitar speed, when it comes to picking. Well, it is easy to guess that picking speed is hard to develop, mainly because our hands aren't naturally used to do the movements that picking requires. Not only that, but our fingers don't really know how to hold the pick itself and how to react on the tension that's caused when the pick hits a string. There are hundreds of guitar exercises out there that are said to teach you how to pick correctly and how to develop speed. However, none of these will be useful, unless you know how to hold your pick right, how to move your hand right and what kind of muscle tensions alarm that you're not doing these correctly.
Here are few tips:
- Grip the pick between your index finger and your thumb finger.
- Don't hold the pick too tight, neither too loose.
- Press the strings with only the tip of the pick (3mm to 6mm)
- Don't tighten your grip as you press the strings.
- If you're feeling fatigue in the area surrounding the saddle joint between your index finger and thumb, stop playing immediately and have some good rest. This is either a signal that you're tightening your grip too much, or that you've simply had too much exercise.
- During fast alternate or economy picking passages, your picking hand should be moving only from the wrist. This movement involves your forearm muscles, so it is absolutely normal to see them moving in the area just below the elbow.
- During fast downpicking passages your hand should turn as if you are untightening a nut with a screwdriver.
- Any feeling of discomfort or weakness in your shoulder, collarbone area or biceps area means you are not moving your hand only from the wrist.
- A feeling of discomfort, weakness and sometimes warmness in your wrist, forearm or upper back, usually means that you have done too much exercises and you need to rest.
With all of these in mind you can attempt literally any picking exercise that comes in your way. Of course, don't forget to learn both alternate and economy picking (this involves sweep picking). You will see that both techniques are useful in different situations and not knowing one of them will only limit your abilities. Another important thing to note is string shifting. When you're shifting between strings you DO have to adjust your picking hand position with a slight movement coming from the shoulder. This is absolutely normal and it doesn't mean that you're not moving your picking correctly. Finally, experiment using picks of different sizes, shapes and gauges. You will see a dramatic difference between the different picks and you will surely find one that feels better than the others and makes picking easier for you.
Good luck improving your guitar technique!
Erica Mills is a guitar teacher and musician for over 10 years. She loves teaching students with a passion in music on how to play guitar songs. She is passionate about his work and dedicated in helping students achieve their dreams. Visit http://www.bandjammer.com for more guitar song lessons.
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