A lot of people associate acoustic guitar with being easier to play; they'd usually think the only tracks played on them are slowly strummed chords, which yes, is very popular. However this is not always the case. There are many different things you can do with an acoustic guitar. You will find there are many styles, techniques and genres within it that are oozing with the best guitar songs to play.
There is nothing wrong at all with learning the slowly strummed chords to chill out and relax with playing, everyone loves the acoustic guitar for that reason. You can find all these songs on the internet right now by typing into any search engine best acoustic guitar songs to play. Millions will pop up with classic records and you'll probably find a few video tutorials come up too. You can also find easy tabs for these pieces if you put that into a search. Usually there will be indications on the tab sheet telling you the intricate details and then how to play them.
But every now and then you will want to test yourself into learning something a bit more difficult. It's always a rewarding feeling when your brain finally clicks after you've been trying to learn something for weeks and get it.
With the more advanced techniques on acoustic guitar come slap, tapping, touch tapping, percussive guitar, flamenco guitar, classical guitar etc. Now I will not lie to you these are hard to learn the begin with. But like the old saying goes practice makes perfect. And it is so satisfying when it all starts to come together.
You will find many tutorials on YouTube for these genres, which are indeed very helpful, some videos aren't too great of content as anyone can post a video nowadays there are no auditions to post a lesson online! Saying that if you do go through them I promise you'll find some videos that are really helpful.
Information just like this will help you go beyond the guitar basics with a revolutionary guitar method you'll love, and also blues guitar tabs.
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