Learning the acoustic guitar is a very wonderful thing. It requires no electricity and is very relaxing and peaceful to play.
There are a few different styles of acoustic you can learn, to name a few pop, folk, blues, flamenco, acoustic tapping, percussive playing etc.
I have found to me that the most beautiful guitar music is on acoustic. There is no better image than a campfire going and people gathered around whilst someone is playing acoustic.
With the acoustic guitar you can just strum away at chords and let the wood resonate with its own sustain. There are certain tunings that allow the wood on the guitar to vibrate more and make it sound bigger and more majestic. DADGAD is one of these. A lot of famous acoustic tapping and percussive players have experimented with these tunings such as, Michael Hedges, Andy McKee, Justin King etc.
To learn the acoustic guitar you have to find what works with you. If you like just sitting back relaxing strumming away a chords then maybe folk, pop and blues songs are the way to go. Or if you prefer something a little more challenging go for the acoustic tapping or flamenco. Flamenco guitar can take years to perfect but once you do, you'll find other things to learn on guitar much easier than if you hadn't gone and learnt the Flamenco first. The best way of learning is just to implement these things and learn them now otherwise it will always be put back on the shelf and never touched.
As far as resources go to learning these genres and styles, there are truck loads of them. Especially on the net, you could learn so many pop orientated songs right now from tabs or on video lessons.
Information just like this will help you go beyond the guitar basics with a revolutionary guitar method you'll love, and also blues guitar tabs
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