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What are some good guitar learning books that are great and that teach the electric guitar and the basics of acoustic guitar?
The most important thing in guitars to be motivated to practice every day. But when I used to teach the guitar I would usually teach with a guitar learning look like a Mel Bay instruction book. But many of my students were not motivated to practice enough. And many of those people that I used to teach guitar to do not play guitar anymore. They just didn't care about it enough.
So if you really care about learning guitar, then practicing your guitar will be more motivating to you then sitting down and watching some TV show.
But there are a lot of great books for learning guitar online. A lot of great e-books and software and free lessons online. You can also go to YouTube and find a lot of great guitar teachers and you can create bookmarks and favorites of your favorite styles so you can learn faster.
But don't be too hard on yourself at first. It's good to have expectations that someday you'll be a solo guitar player playing in a cool band, or playing acoustic guitar strumming by yourself and singing.
Whatever it is the want to do, keep dreaming and don't let anybody tell you you can't. Make sure the learning process is very enjoyable and that you keep doing the work and the practice every day. Have lots of fun using whatever lesson book you want that teaches you to play the way you want to play.
Get important tips now on how to learn guitar and motivation to practice head over to the learn guitar motivation blog: http://practiceandlearnguitar.com/ Make sure to focus and practice every day or you won't make it into your dreams. guitar learning books
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