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There are many guitar teaching software's online for learning the guitar. And there are some that you can use on your Mac and some on your PC.
There are software's that come with free trials before you buy like Jamorama. The best guitar teaching software will be up to you because not every software teaches every style of learning guitar.
This is why you have to know what style of guitar you want to learn. And you don't want to try to learn one dozen different types of styles at the same time, because you will not get very good at any of them. Most of the Masters and guitar playing are masters at only one or two styles of playing guitar. And they aren't very good at some other styles.
So you want to pick the style of playing that is meaningful and significant to you. The one that you will play in your band some day for the one that you will play on your acoustic guitar in that café.
I don't know about any completely free teaching software for the acoustic or electric, but like I said there are many free trial programs. So you should download some of the free trial programs and try the one that works best for you. Just choose one and stick with it. If you are motivated to practice by dreaming and thinking about that band you'll have some day then it will be worth the money to pay for the program.
Get important tips now on how to learn guitar and motivation to practice head over to the learn guitar motivation blog: http://practiceandlearnguitar.com/ Make sure to focus and practice every day or you won't make it into your dreams. Guitar Teaching Software
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