Home » Guitar Online, lesson » Learn Guitar Online to Play Live
There are many ways to learn guitar online so you can play live in front of your friends and family and random people that you don't know. Keep thinking about being in that band that you want to start employing your own songs and playing songs that are meaningful to you from bands that you like.
For learning chords and tabs you can go to YouTube and watch many great guitar players and their free instructional videos on how to learn chords and how to play scales and how to do all kinds of things that are really great.
But you need to keep focused on the style that you want to play. The style that you want to play in your band some day. Or that style that you want to learn on your acoustic while you are playing alone and singing to people in a trendy little café on the corner some day.
So keep them motivated to practice by dreaming about the great things you'll be doing with your guitar someday. And don't be distracted by all the different ways to learn the guitar and all the different styles that you can play.
Keep a YouTube account with a playlist of your favorite guitar training videos and watch them over and over again to try to play what they are playing. And keep at it until you are getting more and more satisfied with your own progress. And soon you'll be ready to play in front of your friends and people that you don't even know.
Get important tips now on how to learn guitar and motivation to practice head over to the learn guitar motivation blog: http://practiceandlearnguitar.com/ Make sure to focus and practice every day or you won't make it into your dreams. Guitar Online Play
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